David Schweikert believes in promoting economic growth through lower taxes, reducing regulations, and supporting small businesses. He also advocates for fiscal responsibility and balancing the budget.
David Schweikert supports policies that benefit farmers and ranchers, such as protecting agricultural lands, promoting trade agreements that benefit American agriculture, and supporting research and development in the agricultural sector.
David Schweikert advocates for securing the border, enforcing existing immigration laws, and implementing a merit-based immigration system. He also supports providing a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants who meet certain criteria.
David Schweikert believes in empowering parents with school choice options, supporting vocational and technical education programs, and reducing federal involvement in education. He also supports accountability measures for schools and teachers.
David Schweikert supports an all-of-the-above energy strategy, including promoting domestic energy production, investing in renewable energy sources, and reducing dependence on foreign oil. He also advocates for energy independence and job creation in the energy sector.
Climate change
David Schweikert acknowledges the existence of climate change but believes that government intervention should be limited. He supports market-based solutions, innovation in clean energy technologies, and voluntary efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
David Schweikert supports repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with a market-based healthcare system that increases choice and lowers costs. He also advocates for protecting individuals with pre-existing conditions and promoting health savings accounts.
David Schweikert believes in promoting affordable housing through market-based solutions, reducing regulations that hinder housing development, and supporting homeownership opportunities. He also advocates for addressing homelessness through a combination of government and private sector initiatives.
David Schweikert supports investing in infrastructure projects that improve transportation systems, such as roads, bridges, and public transit. He also advocates for reducing traffic congestion, promoting public-private partnerships, and prioritizing safety in transportation planning.
Veterans affairs
David Schweikert believes in providing quality healthcare and support services to veterans, improving the VA healthcare system, and reducing wait times for medical appointments. He also supports expanding mental health services for veterans and addressing issues of homelessness among veterans.
Voting rights
David Schweikert supports measures to ensure the integrity of elections, such as requiring voter ID, implementing voter registration verification processes, and combating voter fraud. He also advocates for protecting the rights of eligible voters and maintaining the security of the voting process.