Fair and Open Competition Act or the FOCA Act
This bill prohibits federal construction contracts or controlling documents for federally supported construction projects from requiring or prohibiting project labor agreements. Such documents also may not discriminate against or give preference to a bidder or contractor who signs or refuses to sign a project labor agreement.
An agency may exempt a project from this prohibition to avert an imminent threat to public health or safety or to serve the national security.
Fair and Open Competition Act or the FOCA Act
This bill prohibits federal construction contracts or controlling documents for federally supported construction projects from requiring or prohibiting project labor agreements. Such documents also may not discriminate against or give preference to a bidder or contractor who signs or refuses to sign a project labor agreement.
An agency may exempt a project from this prohibition to avert an imminent threat to public health or safety or to serve the national security.
Fair and Open Competition Act or the FOCA Act
This bill prohibits federal construction contracts or controlling documents for federally supported construction projects from requiring or prohibiting project labor agr...
An agency may exempt a project from this prohibition to avert an imminent threat to public health or safety or to serve the national security.