Fighting Inhumane Gambling and High-Risk Trafficking Act or the FIGHT Act
This bill expands protections of animals provided under the Animal Welfare Act, including by prohibiting any (1) broadcasts from international, interstate, or intrastate sources of animal fighting ventures in the United States or U.S. territories; and (2) shipments or transport of certain mature roosters.
Fighting Inhumane Gambling and High-Risk Trafficking Act or the FIGHT Act
This bill expands protections of animals provided under the Animal Welfare Act, including by prohibiting any (1) broadcasts from international, interstate, or intrastate sources of animal fighting ventures in the United States or U.S. territories; and (2) shipments or transport of certain mature roosters.
Fighting Inhumane Gambling and High-Risk Trafficking Act or the FIGHT Act
This bill expands protections of animals provided under the Animal Welfare Act, including by prohibiting any (1) broadcasts from international, interstate, or...