Bill 119 HR 876, also known as the "Defense Base Act Exclusion for Guam Act," is a proposed piece of legislation that aims to amend the Defense Base Act to exclude Guam from its coverage. The Defense Base Act is a federal law that provides workers' compensation benefits to employees working on overseas military bases or under certain government contracts. If passed, this bill would mean that employees working in Guam would no longer be eligible for benefits under the Defense Base Act. The rationale behind this exclusion is not explicitly stated in the bill, but it may be related to the unique status of Guam as a territory of the United States. It is important to note that this bill is still in the early stages of the legislative process and has not yet been voted on by Congress. It is also worth mentioning that the impact of this bill, if passed, on workers in Guam and the overall Defense Base Act program is not fully clear at this time. Overall, Bill 119 HR 876 seeks to make a specific change to the Defense Base Act by excluding Guam from its coverage, but the full implications of this change are still uncertain.
Bill 119 HR 876, also known as the "Defense Base Act Exclusion for Guam Act," is a proposed piece of legislation that aims to amend the Defense Base Act to exclude Guam from its coverage. The Defense Base Act is a federal law...