Biological Implant Tracking and Veteran Safety Act of 2015
This bill directs the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to:
The bill also prescribes requirements for vendors from which the VA may procure biological implants of human origin, and for vendors from which the VA may procure biological implants of non-human origin. Such a vendor must:
The VA shall: (1) procure such implants under General Services Administration Federal Supply Schedules if they are available under such Schedules, (2) accommodate reasonable vendor requests to undertake specified outreach efforts to educate VA medical professionals about the use and efficacy of implants, and (3) procure biological implants that are unavailable under such Schedules using competitive procedures in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
Any VA procurement employee responsible for a biological implant procurement transaction with intent to avoid, or with reckless disregard of, the requirements of this Act shall be ineligible to hold a certificate of appointment as a contracting officer or to serve as the representative of an ordering officer, contracting officer, or purchase card holder.
Certain biological implants may be temporarily procured by the VA without relabeling under the standard identification system.