Rural ACO Provider Equity Act of 2016

1/11/2023, 1:33 PM

Congressional Summary of HR 5667

Rural ACO Provider Equity Act of 2016

This bill amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to establish additional requirements for assigning Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries to accountable care organizations (ACOs) under the Medicare shared savings program. (The program enables ACOs to receive payments for savings stemming from care coordination and management.)

Specifically, the bill requires the basis for assignment to reflect beneficiaries' utilization of not only primary care services provided by ACO physicians, but also those furnished in federally qualified health centers or rural health clinics.

Current Status of Bill HR 5667

Bill HR 5667 is currently in the status of Bill Introduced since July 7, 2016. Bill HR 5667 was introduced during Congress 114 and was introduced to the House on July 7, 2016.  Bill HR 5667's most recent activity was Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. as of July 15, 2016

Bipartisan Support of Bill HR 5667

Total Number of Sponsors
Democrat Sponsors
Republican Sponsors
Unaffiliated Sponsors
Total Number of Cosponsors
Democrat Cosponsors
Republican Cosponsors
Unaffiliated Cosponsors

Policy Area and Potential Impact of Bill HR 5667

Primary Policy Focus


Potential Impact Areas

Health care qualityHealth facilities and institutionsHealth personnelMedicareRural conditions and development

Alternate Title(s) of Bill HR 5667

Rural ACO Provider Equity Act of 2016To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve the way beneficiaries are assigned under the Medicare shared savings program by also basing such assignment on services furnished by Federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics.Rural ACO Provider Equity Act of 2016
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