Bill 118 hr 3049, also known as the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration Exchange Act of 2023, is a piece of legislation that aims to facilitate the exchange of certain lands between the state of Utah and ...
the federal government. The bill specifically focuses on lands that are managed by the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA).
The purpose of this exchange is to consolidate and improve the management of lands in Utah, with the goal of increasing revenue for the state's public schools and other beneficiaries of the trust lands. The bill outlines the process by which the exchange will take place, including the identification of lands to be exchanged, the appraisal of the lands, and the terms of the exchange agreement.
Additionally, the bill includes provisions to ensure that the exchange is conducted in a manner that is fair and transparent, with opportunities for public input and review. It also addresses potential environmental and cultural impacts of the exchange, requiring that these factors be taken into consideration during the planning and implementation of the exchange.
Overall, the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration Exchange Act of 2023 seeks to streamline the management of lands in Utah, while also ensuring that the interests of the state's public schools and other beneficiaries are protected.