Condemning Turkey for its illegal occupation of Cyprus and encouraging President Trump to make the resolution of the Cyprus problem a top foreign policy priority. Condemning Turkey for its illegal occupation of Cyprus and e...

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Bill 119 HRES 17 is a resolution introduced in the US Congress that condemns Turkey for its illegal occupation of Cyprus. The resolution also urges President Trump to prioritize resolving the Cyprus problem as a top foreign policy issue. The resolution highlights the ongoing conflict in Cyprus, which began in 1974 when Turkey invaded the island and occupied the northern part. The resolution emphasizes that Turkey's occupation of Cyprus is a violation of international law and calls for the immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island. Furthermore, the resolution stresses the importance of finding a peaceful and just solution to the Cyprus problem. It encourages President Trump to work with the international community to facilitate negotiations between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities in order to achieve a comprehensive settlement. Overall, Bill 119 HRES 17 aims to bring attention to the issue of Cyprus and to urge the US government to take a more active role in resolving the conflict. It emphasizes the need for Turkey to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Cyprus and calls for a peaceful resolution that benefits all parties involved.

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Bill 119 HRES 17 is a resolution introduced in the US Congress that condemns Turkey for its illegal occupation of Cyprus. The resolution also urges President Trump to prioritize resolving the Cyprus problem as a top foreign p...