To establish the Federal Agency Sunset Commission.

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 HR 489, also known as the Federal Agency Sunset Commission Act, aims to create a new government entity called the Federal Agency Sunset Commission. This commission would be responsible for reviewing and evaluating federal agencies to determine their effectiveness and necessity. The purpose of the commission is to ensure that federal agencies are operating efficiently and serving the needs of the American people. The commission would conduct regular reviews of federal agencies and make recommendations to Congress on whether an agency should be reauthorized, restructured, or eliminated. The bill outlines the composition of the commission, which would consist of members appointed by the President and leaders of Congress. The commission would also be required to submit annual reports to Congress detailing their findings and recommendations. Overall, the Federal Agency Sunset Commission Act seeks to improve government accountability and efficiency by regularly evaluating federal agencies and ensuring that they are meeting the needs of the American people.

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 HR 489, also known as the Federal Agency Sunset Commission Act, aims to create a new government entity called the Federal Agency Sunset Commission. This commission would be responsible for reviewing and evaluating fe...