Sustainable Budget Act of 2025

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Bill 119 HR 222, also known as the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Act, aims to create a bipartisan commission tasked with addressing the United States' fiscal challenges. The commission will be composed of 18 members, with half appointed by the President and half appointed by congressional leaders from both parties. The commission's primary goal is to develop recommendations to improve the country's fiscal situation, including reducing the national debt, balancing the budget, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of federal programs such as Social Security and Medicare. The commission will also be tasked with identifying areas of waste and inefficiency in government spending. The commission will have a deadline of one year to submit its recommendations to Congress and the President. The recommendations will require a supermajority vote from the commission members in order to be approved and submitted. Overall, Bill 119 HR 222 seeks to address the pressing fiscal challenges facing the United States by creating a bipartisan commission to develop solutions and recommendations for improving the country's financial stability.

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Bill 119 HR 222, also known as the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Act, aims to create a bipartisan commission tasked with addressing the United States' fiscal challenges. The commission will be compos...