This bill authorizes certain Purple Heart recipients to elect to transfer to one or more eligible dependents (e.g., a spouse or child) unused portions of such recipients’ entitlement to Post-9/11 GI Bill educational assistance. This authority specifically applies to veterans who are awarded the Purple Heart for service in the Armed Forces occurring on or after September 11, 2001, and who have been discharged or released from active service.
Under the bill, the total number of months of entitlement transferred by a Purple Heart recipient may not exceed 36 months. Additionally, the Purple Heart recipient may modify or revoke any unused portion of the transferred entitlement by submitting written notice to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DOD).
A transferred entitlement may not be treated as marital property or marital assets in divorce or other civil proceedings.
The death of the Purple Heart recipient must not affect the use of the entitlement by the individual who receives the transferred entitlement.
In the event of an overpayment of educational assistance, the Purple Heart recipient and the transferee of the entitlement must be held jointly and severally liable for the amount.
The bill requires the VA and DOD to coordinate to facilitate the transfer of entitlements under the bill.