Urging the Government of Ukraine to review and modify its decision to suspend adoption by foreign nationals with a view to resuming such adoptions, particularly in cases where the mutual concerns of the Governments of Ukraine and of the United States can be substantially addressed.

12/16/2024, 8:44 PM

Summary of Bill HRES 915

Bill 118 HRES 915, titled "Urging the Government of Ukraine to review and modify its decision to suspend adoption by foreign nationals with a view to resuming such adoptions, particularly in cases where the mutual concerns of the Governments of Ukraine and of the United States can be substantially addressed," is a resolution introduced in the US Congress.

The resolution calls on the government of Ukraine to reconsider and adjust its decision to halt adoptions by foreign nationals, specifically focusing on cases where the concerns of both the Ukrainian and US governments can be effectively addressed. The resolution emphasizes the importance of allowing foreign adoptions to resume, highlighting the benefits of such adoptions for both the children in need of homes and the families seeking to adopt.

The resolution aims to encourage dialogue and cooperation between the governments of Ukraine and the United States in order to find solutions that address the concerns of both parties and facilitate the resumption of foreign adoptions. It underscores the importance of ensuring that the best interests of the children involved are prioritized in any decisions regarding adoption policies. Overall, Bill 118 HRES 915 seeks to promote the welfare of children in need of loving homes by urging the government of Ukraine to reconsider its suspension of foreign adoptions and work towards finding mutually beneficial solutions with the United States.

Congressional Summary of HRES 915

This resolution urges Ukraine to resume allowing U.S. citizens to adopt and to receive pre-adoptive placements of Ukrainian children. Specifically, the resolution: 

  • recommends Ukraine consider, as particularly urgent, cases where prospective U.S. parents have completed Ukraine's adoption process and received approval prior to the suspension of adoptions by non-Ukrainians on March 13, 2022; 
  • recommends that, in cases where Ukrainian children had already been placed in hosting programs, prospective U.S. parents be allowed to initiate the adoption process; and 
  • recommends that prospective U.S. parents be allowed to apply to receive, in a pre-adoptive placement, Ukrainian children with an uncertain legal status regarding adoption previously participating in hosting programs.

Current Status of Bill HRES 915

Bill HRES 915 is currently in the status of Passed in House since November 21, 2024. Bill HRES 915 was introduced during Congress 118 and was introduced to the House on December 6, 2023.  Bill HRES 915's most recent activity was Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. as of November 21, 2024

Bipartisan Support of Bill HRES 915

Total Number of Sponsors
Democrat Sponsors
Republican Sponsors
Unaffiliated Sponsors
Total Number of Cosponsors
Democrat Cosponsors
Republican Cosponsors
Unaffiliated Cosponsors

Policy Area and Potential Impact of Bill HRES 915

Primary Policy Focus

International Affairs

Alternate Title(s) of Bill HRES 915

Urging the Government of Ukraine to review and modify its decision to suspend adoption by foreign nationals with a view to resuming such adoptions, particularly in cases where the mutual concerns of the Governments of Ukraine and of the United States can be substantially addressed.Urging the Government of Ukraine to review and modify its decision to suspend adoption by foreign nationals with a view to resuming such adoptions, particularly in cases where the mutual concerns of the Governments of Ukraine and of the United States can be substantially addressed.
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