Summary of Bill HRES 356
Bill 118 HRES 356, titled "Expressing support for the designation of May 4, 2023, as a 'National Day of Reason' and recognizing the central importance of reason in the betterment of humanity," is a resolution introduced in the US Congress. The purpose of this resolution is to officially designate May 4, 2023, as a National Day of Reason, highlighting the significance of reason in advancing society and promoting critical thinking.
The resolution emphasizes the importance of reason in decision-making processes and problem-solving, recognizing it as a fundamental tool for progress and the betterment of humanity. It also acknowledges the contributions of reason to science, education, and democracy, highlighting its role in fostering a more rational and informed society.
Furthermore, the resolution calls on all Americans to observe the National Day of Reason by engaging in activities that promote critical thinking, logic, and evidence-based reasoning. It encourages individuals to reflect on the value of reason in their daily lives and to strive for a more rational and enlightened society.
Overall, Bill 118 HRES 356 seeks to raise awareness about the central importance of reason in shaping our world and to promote a culture that values critical thinking and evidence-based decision-making. It is a non-partisan effort to celebrate reason as a cornerstone of progress and to inspire individuals to embrace rationality in their personal and professional lives.