Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022

3/9/2023, 5:47 PM

Summary of Bill HR 6865

The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022, also known as Bill 117 hr 6865, is a piece of legislation that focuses on authorizing funding and programs for the United States Coast Guard. The bill covers a wide range of issues related to the Coast Guard, including funding for operations and maintenance, acquisition of new assets, and personnel matters.

One key aspect of the bill is the authorization of funding for the Coast Guard's operations and maintenance. This funding is crucial for ensuring that the Coast Guard can carry out its missions effectively, including search and rescue operations, law enforcement activities, and environmental protection efforts.

In addition to funding for operations and maintenance, the bill also authorizes funding for the acquisition of new assets for the Coast Guard. This includes funding for new ships, aircraft, and other equipment that will help the Coast Guard carry out its missions more effectively and efficiently. The bill also addresses personnel matters within the Coast Guard, including provisions related to pay and benefits for Coast Guard members. This is important for ensuring that the Coast Guard can attract and retain talented individuals to serve in its ranks. Overall, the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that aims to support the important work of the United States Coast Guard. By authorizing funding for operations and maintenance, acquisition of new assets, and personnel matters, the bill helps ensure that the Coast Guard can continue to fulfill its vital role in protecting the nation's maritime interests.

Congressional Summary of HR 6865

Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022

This bill authorizes appropriations through FY2023 for the Federal Maritime Commission and the U.S. Coast Guard, including appropriations for acquiring icebreaker vessels. It also revises a variety of requirements concerning the Coast Guard's personnel, operations, infrastructure, and environmental compliance. For example, the bill revises requirements concerning sexual assault, sexual harassment, foreign workers, vessel safety, navigation, ship construction, shipping cargo, marine mammals, aquatic nuisance species, and oil spills.

Current Status of Bill HR 6865

Bill HR 6865 is currently in the status of Bill Introduced since February 28, 2022. Bill HR 6865 was introduced during Congress 117 and was introduced to the House on February 28, 2022.  Bill HR 6865's most recent activity was Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. as of March 30, 2022

Bipartisan Support of Bill HR 6865

Total Number of Sponsors
Democrat Sponsors
Republican Sponsors
Unaffiliated Sponsors
Total Number of Cosponsors
Democrat Cosponsors
Republican Cosponsors
Unaffiliated Cosponsors

Policy Area and Potential Impact of Bill HR 6865

Primary Policy Focus

Transportation and Public Works

Potential Impact Areas

AccidentsAdministrative law and regulatory proceduresAdvanced technology and technological innovationsAlaskaAnimal protection and human-animal relationshipsAquacultureAquatic ecologyAssault and harassment offensesAtlantic Coast (U.S.)Atmospheric science and weatherAviation and airportsCaliforniaCivil actions and liabilityCoast guardCongressional oversightCrime victimsCriminal investigation, prosecution, interrogationDefense spendingDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of the InteriorDrug, alcohol, tobacco useEmergency communications systemsEmployee benefits and pensionsEmployment and training programsEmployment discrimination and employee rightsEnvironmental assessment, monitoring, researchEnvironmental technologyEuropeExecutive agency funding and structureFederal officialsFirearms and explosivesFloridaFood industry and servicesForeign propertyGovernment information and archivesGovernment lending and loan guaranteesGovernment studies and investigationsGreat LakesIncome tax deferralLakes and riversLand transfersLicensing and registrationsMammalsMarine and coastal resources, fisheriesMarine and inland water transportationMarine pollutionMarylandMedical tests and diagnostic methodsMental healthMilitary education and trainingMilitary facilities and propertyMilitary historyMilitary medicineMilitary personnel and dependentsMilitary procurement, research, weapons developmentMilitary readinessMinority employmentMuseums, exhibitions, cultural centersNavigation, waterways, harborsNew JerseyNew York CityNoise pollutionOil and gasPollution liabilityRailroadsRussiaSanctionsSex offensesTransportation employeesTransportation safety and securityUser charges and feesWater qualityWildlife conservation and habitat protectionWomen's employmentWorker safety and health

Alternate Title(s) of Bill HR 6865

Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022To authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard, and for other purposes.Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022
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