Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach Act
This bill authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide grants to states and Indian tribes to implement programs that improve outreach and assistance to veterans and their families to ensure that such individuals are fully informed about veterans' benefits and programs.
Specifically, the VA may provide grants to states and tribes to (1) implement or enhance outreach activities; (2) increase the number of county or tribal veterans service officers in the state or tribe; or (3) expand, implement, or otherwise enhance existing programs and services of the existing state or tribal organization that is recognized by the VA in the preparation, presentation, and prosecution of claims for veterans benefits through representatives who hold positions as county or tribal veterans service officers.
The VA must prioritize awarding grants in areas with a critical shortage of county or tribal veterans service officers, areas with high rates of suicide among veterans, and areas with high rates of referrals to the Veterans Crisis Line.
The bill also extends certain loan fee rates through February 10, 2031, under the VA's home loan program.
During FY2024-FY2028, the VA is authorized to hire two or more additional full-time equivalent employees in the VA's Office of General Counsel to carry out duties under the accreditation, discipline, and fees program.