(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on July 8, 2013. The summary of that version is repeated here.)
Three Kids Mine Remediation and Reclamation Act - (Sec. 3) Directs the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the Henderson Redevelopment Agency of the city of Henderson, Nevada, all right, title, and interest of the United States of the approximately 948 identified acres of Bureau of Reclamation and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land within the Three Kids Mine Project Site (the federal land).
Requires the Henderson Redevelopment Agency to pay the fair market value, if any, for the federal land.
Directs the Secretary to determine the fair market value of the federal land based on an appraisal that does not take into account any existing contamination. Requires the Henderson Redevelopment Agency to reimburse the Secretary for appraisal costs.
Directs the Secretary to prepare a reasonable estimate of the costs to assess, remediate, and reclaim the Three Kids Mine Project Site.
Requires the Mine Remediation and Reclamation Agreement to be an enforceable consent order or agreement administered by the state.
(Sec. 4) Withdraws the federal land, for a 10-year period, beginning on the earlier of enactment, or on the date of conveyance, from: (1) entry, appropriation, operation, or disposal under the public land laws; (2) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and (3) disposition under the mineral leasing, mineral materials, and the geothermal leasing laws.
Relinquishes and revokes, subject to valid existing rights, any withdrawal that includes any portion of the federal land for which the Bureau of Reclamation has no further need.
Declares that nothing in this Act diminishes, hinders, or interferes with the exclusive and perpetual use by existing rights holders of the operation, maintenance, and improvement of water conveyance infrastructure and facilities situated on the federal land constructed or permitted by the Bureau of Reclamation before the effective date of this Act.
(Sec. 5) Adjusts the boundary of the River Mountains Area of Critical Environmental Concern to exclude any portion of the Three Kids Mine Project Site.
(Sec. 6) Applies the responsibility for complying with the mine remediation and reclamation agreement executed under section 3, upon completion of the conveyance, to the responsible party and the state of Nevada. (Defines "responsible party" as the private sector entity designated by the Henderson Redevelopment Agency, and approved by the state, to complete the assessment, remediation, reclamation, and redevelopment of the Three Kids Mine Project Site.)
(Sec. 7) Makes the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 inapplicable to land conveyed under this Act.