Bill 119 s 88, also known as the "No Budget, No Pay Act," aims to prevent Members of Congress from receiving their pay after October 1 of any fiscal year in which Congress has not approved a concurrent resolution on the budget and passed the regular appropriations bills. This bill is designed to incentivize Congress to pass a budget and appropriations bills in a timely manner, ensuring that the government is funded and able to operate effectively.
If Congress fails to meet these requirements by the October 1 deadline, Members of Congress would not receive their pay until the necessary budget and appropriations bills are passed. This measure is intended to hold Members of Congress accountable for their responsibilities in managing the country's finances and ensuring that the government can continue to function without interruption.
The "No Budget, No Pay Act" is a bipartisan effort to promote fiscal responsibility and accountability within Congress. By tying Members' pay to the timely passage of budget and appropriations bills, this bill aims to encourage cooperation and compromise in order to avoid government shutdowns and financial crises.