Bill 119 s 792, also known as the "Estimating the Value of Federal Spectrum Act," aims to require the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) to assess the value of electromagnetic spectrum that is assigned or allocated to Federal entities. The bill seeks to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the worth of this spectrum, which is crucial for various communication and technology purposes.
The NTIA would be tasked with conducting this assessment and reporting their findings to Congress within a specified timeframe. By determining the value of the spectrum held by Federal entities, policymakers can make more informed decisions regarding its allocation and potential commercial use.
This bill does not propose any specific changes to current spectrum management policies, but rather seeks to gather data that can inform future decision-making processes. It is aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in the management of electromagnetic spectrum resources.
Overall, Bill 119 s 792 highlights the importance of understanding the value of Federal spectrum holdings and the potential benefits of utilizing this valuable resource more effectively.