Bill 119 H.Res. 211 is a legislative package that outlines the procedures for considering three separate pieces of legislation in the US Congress.
The first part of the bill focuses on the joint resolution H.J. Res. 25, which seeks to provide congressional disapproval of a rule submitted by the Internal Revenue Service regarding "Gross Proceeds Reporting by Brokers That Regularly Provide Services Effectuating Digital Asset Sales." This resolution aims to address concerns related to the regulation of digital asset sales and the reporting requirements for brokers in this industry.
The second part of the bill pertains to H.R. 1156, a proposal to amend the CARES Act in order to extend the statute of limitations for fraud under certain unemployment programs. This amendment seeks to provide additional protections against fraudulent activities within these programs and ensure that individuals who commit fraud are held accountable.
Lastly, the bill includes provisions for H.R. 1968, which focuses on making further continuing appropriations and other extensions for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025. This legislation aims to address budgetary concerns and ensure that necessary funding is allocated for various government programs and services.
Overall, Bill 119 H.Res. 211 outlines the procedures for considering these three pieces of legislation in the US Congress and addresses a range of issues related to digital asset sales, fraud prevention in unemployment programs, and fiscal appropriations for the upcoming fiscal year.