Salad Bars in Schools Expansion Act
This bill requires the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish and implement a plan, including through a five-year program of competitive grants, to promote the use of salad bars in schools participating in the school lunch program.
Priority in the award of grants may be given to entities (i.e., a school or a school food authority) that (1) serve schools in which at least 50% of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches, (2) serve schools in food deserts, or (3) provide nutrition education to students. Under the bill, food desert is defined as a census tract with a substantial share of residents who live in low-income areas that have low levels of access to a grocery store or a healthy, affordable food retail outlet.
Eligible entities must use the grant funds to award schools a one-time payment for the anticipated cost of installing a salad bar, including the purchase of any required durable equipment.
USDA must also submit a report to Congress that includes recommendations for promoting and establishing more salad bars in schools.
Salad Bars in Schools Expansion Act
This bill requires the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish and implement a plan, including through a five-year program of competitive grants, to promote the use of salad bars in ...
Priority in the award of grants may be given to entities (i.e., a school or a school food authority) that (1) serve schools in which at least 50% of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches, (2) serve schools in food deserts, or (3) provide nutrition education to students. Under the bill, food desert is defined as a census tract with a substantial share of residents who live in low-income areas that have low levels of access to a grocery store or a healthy, affordable food retail outlet.
Eligible entities must use the grant funds to award schools a one-time payment for the anticipated cost of installing a salad bar, including the purchase of any required durable equipment.
USDA must also submit a report to Congress that includes recommendations for promoting and establishing more salad bars in schools.