Bill 119 HR 127 aims to make changes to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 in relation to health insurance coverage. The bill proposes an exemption to the individual mandate for individuals living in counties with less than 2 health insurance issuers offering plans on an Exchange. This exemption would allow individuals in these counties to not be required to maintain health coverage.
Additionally, the bill includes a provision that would require Members of Congress and congressional staff to follow the guidelines set forth in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act regarding their health insurance coverage. This would ensure that lawmakers and their staff are subject to the same regulations and requirements as the general public when it comes to health insurance.
Overall, the purpose of Bill 119 HR 127 is to address issues related to health insurance coverage in counties with limited options and to ensure that Members of Congress and their staff are held to the same standards as the rest of the population under the Affordable Care Act.