This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment limiting the pardon power of the President.
The amendment prohibits the President from granting a pardon or reprieve to himself or herself, to relatives or members of the administration, to paid campaign employees, to a person or entity for an offense motivated by an interest of any of those people, or to a person or entity for an offense directed by or coordinated with the President.
The amendment also invalidates pardons issued for a corrupt purpose.
This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment limiting the pardon power of the President.
The amendment prohibits the President from granting a pardon or reprieve to himself or herself, to relatives or members of the administration, to paid campaign employees, to a person or entity for an offense motivated by an interest of any of those people, or to a person or entity for an offense directed by or coordinated with the President.
The amendment also invalidates pardons issued for a corrupt purpose.
This joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment limiting the pardon power of the President.
The amendment prohibits the President from granting a pardon or reprieve to himself or herself, to relatives or members of the administrati...
The amendment also invalidates pardons issued for a corrupt purpose.