This resolution requests the Department of State to transmit to Congress a statement on human rights practices in Azerbaijan, including the steps the United States has taken to promote human rights in the region, an assessment of whether circumstances exist that necessitate a continuation of security assistance for Azerbaijan, and an assessment of whether ethnic cleansing or genocidal acts have taken or are taking place in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
This resolution requests the Department of State to transmit to Congress a statement on human rights practices in Azerbaijan, including the steps the United States has taken to promote human rights in the region, an assessment of whether circumstances exist that necessitate a continuation of security assistance for Azerbaijan, and an assessment of whether ethnic cleansing or genocidal acts have taken or are taking place in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
This resolution requests the Department of State to transmit to Congress a statement on human rights practices in Azerbaijan, including the steps the United States has taken to promote human rights in the region, an assessment of whether circumsta...