Ruby Mountains Protection Act
This bill withdraws certain National Forest System land and National Wildlife Refuge System land in Nevada from operation under the mineral leasing laws.
Specifically, the bill withdraws (1) approximately 309,272 acres of federal land and interests in identified land located in the Ruby Mountains subdistrict of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest; and (2) approximately 39,926.10 acres of federal land and interests in identified land located in the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge, except the withdrawal is not applicable to noncommercial refuge management activities by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Ruby Mountains Protection Act
This bill withdraws certain National Forest System land and National Wildlife Refuge System land in Nevada from operation under the mineral leasing laws.
Specifically, the bill withdraws (1) approximately 309,272 acres of federal land and interests in identified land located in the Ruby Mountains subdistrict of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest; and (2) approximately 39,926.10 acres of federal land and interests in identified land located in the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge, except the withdrawal is not applicable to noncommercial refuge management activities by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Ruby Mountains Protection Act
This bill withdraws certain National Forest System land and National Wildlife Refuge System land in Nevada from operation under the mineral leasing laws.
Specifically, the bill withdraws (1) appr...