Checks and Balances Act
This bill expands congressional oversight of guidance documents (e.g., statements of policy) issued by a task force or similar entity composed of members of a federal agency.
Specifically, the bill makes such guidance (and guidance that directs the operations of a federal agency and is issued by an entity under the authority of the President) subject to the requirements of the Congressional Review Act.
Checks and Balances Act
This bill expands congressional oversight of guidance documents (e.g., statements of policy) issued by a task force or similar entity composed of members of a federal agency.
Specifically, the bill makes such guidance (and guidance that directs the operations of a federal agency and is issued by an entity under the authority of the President) subject to the requirements of the Congressional Review Act.
Checks and Balances Act
This bill expands congressional oversight of guidance documents (e.g., statements of policy) issued by a task force or similar entity composed of members of a federal agency.
Specifically, the bill ma...