This bill makes certain irrigation districts in North Dakota eligible to receive pumping power (i.e., hydropower) from the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, subject to the terms and rates established by the Bureau of Reclamation. Under this bill, an irrigation district must enter into a contract with Reclamation to receive such pumping power.
This bill makes certain irrigation districts in North Dakota eligible to receive pumping power (i.e., hydropower) from the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, subject to the terms and rates established by the Bureau of Reclamation. Under this bill, an irrigation district must enter into a contract with Reclamation to receive such pumping power.
This bill makes certain irrigation districts in North Dakota eligible to receive pumping power (i.e., hydropower) from the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, subject to the terms and rates established by the Bureau of Reclamation. Under this bill...