Let's Get to Work Act of 2023
This bill modifies and expands work requirements under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and certain housing programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Specifically, the bill repeals the temporary suspension of work requirements due to COVID-19 that allowed participants who would have lost eligibility due to such requirements to continue to receive SNAP benefits. It also expands work requirements under SNAP to apply to all able-bodied adults receiving benefits who are under the age of 60 (currently 50) as well as to individuals who have children over the age of 6. The bill exempts from work requirements an individual who is responsible for a dependent and married to, and resides with, an individual who is in compliance with the work requirements. The bill terminates a state's authority to provide exemptions to individuals who do not meet work requirements.
Additionally, the bill establishes work requirements for families residing in public housing by applying SNAP work requirements to the HUD public housing and tenant-based rental assistance (voucher) programs.
Let's Get to Work Act of 2023
This bill modifies and expands work requirements under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and certain housing programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Specifically, the bill repeals the temporary suspension of work requirements due to COVID-19 that allowed participants who would have lost eligibility due to such requirements to continue to receive SNAP benefits. It also expands work requirements under SNAP to apply to all able-bodied adults receiving benefits who are under the age of 60 (currently 50) as well as to individuals who have children over the age of 6. The bill exempts from work requirements an individual who is responsible for a dependent and married to, and resides with, an individual who is in compliance with the work requirements. The bill terminates a state's authority to provide exemptions to individuals who do not meet work requirements.
Additionally, the bill establishes work requirements for families residing in public housing by applying SNAP work requirements to the HUD public housing and tenant-based rental assistance (voucher) programs.
Let's Get to Work Act of 2023
This bill modifies and expands work requirements under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and certain housing programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Additionally, the bill establishes work requirements for families residing in public housing by applying SNAP work requirements to the HUD public housing and tenant-based rental assistance (voucher) programs.