Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument Act
This bill establishes the Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument in Illinois as a unit of the National Park System.
The monument shall
The Department of the Interior may expend appropriated funds to acquire or lease essential facilities for the administration of the monument and visitor services outside the boundary, but within the vicinity of the monument.
Interior, using donated or appropriated funds, shall construct a memorial within the boundary of the monument.
The bill (1) establishes the Springfield 1908 Advisory Commission to advise Interior regarding the management and development of the monument, and (2) terminates the commission 12 years after this bill's enactment.
Interior shall consult with the commission on matters relating to the management and development of the monument.
Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument Act
This bill establishes the Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument in Illinois as a unit of the National Park System.
The monument shall
The Department of the Interior may expend appropriated funds to acquire or lease essential facilities for the administration of the monument and visitor services outside the boundary, but within the vicinity of the monument.
Interior, using donated or appropriated funds, shall construct a memorial within the boundary of the monument.
The bill (1) establishes the Springfield 1908 Advisory Commission to advise Interior regarding the management and development of the monument, and (2) terminates the commission 12 years after this bill's enactment.
Interior shall consult with the commission on matters relating to the management and development of the monument.
Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument Act
This bill establishes the Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument in Illinois as a unit of the National Park System.
The monument shall
The Department of the Interior may expend appropriated funds to acquire or lease essential facilities for the administration of the monument and visitor services outside the boundary, but within the vicinity of the monument.
Interior, using donated or appropriated funds, shall construct a memorial within the boundary of the monument.
The bill (1) establishes the Springfield 1908 Advisory Commission to advise Interior regarding the management and development of the monument, and (2) terminates the commission 12 years after this bill's enactment.
Interior shall consult with the commission on matters relating to the management and development of the monument.