Military Spouse Employment Act
This bill allows executive agencies to appoint military spouses to remote work positions. (The current appointment authority does not specifically extend to remote positions.)
The bill defines remote work as a particular type of telework that does not require an employee to report to an official agency location on a regular and recurring basis.
Additionally, the Government Accountability Office must report on the general use of remote work by agencies, including the number and location of employees working remotely and the effects on recruitment, retention, and office space utilization and spending.
Military Spouse Employment Act
This bill allows executive agencies to appoint military spouses to remote work positions. (The current appointment authority does not specifically extend to remote positions.)
The bill defines remote work as a particular type of telework that does not require an employee to report to an official agency location on a regular and recurring basis.
Additionally, the Government Accountability Office must report on the general use of remote work by agencies, including the number and location of employees working remotely and the effects on recruitment, retention, and office space utilization and spending.
Military Spouse Employment Act
This bill allows executive agencies to appoint military spouses to remote work positions. (The current appointment authority does not specifically extend to remote positions.)
The bill defines ...
Additionally, the Government Accountability Office must report on the general use of remote work by agencies, including the number and location of employees working remotely and the effects on recruitment, retention, and office space utilization and spending.