Spotted Wing Abatement Trust Act of 2023 or the SWAT Act of 2023
This bill directs the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to establish a fund for research relating to, and activities to mitigate the negative effects of, spotted wing drosophila. Spotted wing drosophila is an invasive species from East Asia that has caused significant damage to many valuable fruit crops in the United States, including raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, plums, and cherries.
Spotted Wing Abatement Trust Act of 2023 or the SWAT Act of 2023
This bill directs the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to establish a fund for research relating to, and activities to mitigate the negative effects of, spotted wing drosophila. Spotted wing drosophila is an invasive species from East Asia that has caused significant damage to many valuable fruit crops in the United States, including raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, plums, and cherries.
Spotted Wing Abatement Trust Act of 2023 or the SWAT Act of 2023
This bill directs the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to establish a fund for research relating to, and activities to mitigate the negative effects of, spot...