Display TitleMISSILES Act
Short Title(s) as IntroducedMaking Iran Sanctions Stick In Lieu of Expiration of Sanctions Act
Short Title(s) as IntroducedMISSILES Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to SenateMaking Iran Sanctions Stick In Lieu of Expiration of Sanctions Act
Short Title(s) as Reported to SenateMISSILES Act
Display TitleMaking Iran Sanctions Stick In Lieu of Expiration of Sanctions Act
Display TitleA bill to address the threat from the development of Iran's ballistic missile program and the transfer or deployment of Iranian missiles and related goods and technology, including materials and equipment, and for other purposes.
Display TitleMISSILES Act
Official Title as IntroducedA bill to address the threat from the development of Iran's ballistic missile program and the transfer or deployment of Iranian missiles and related goods and technology, including materials and equipment, and for other purposes.