Ensuring Interagency Cooperation to Support Veterans Act of 2023
This bill modifies the membership and certain purposes of the Department of Veterans Affairs-Department of Defense Joint Executive Committee. The bill includes additional individuals in the membership of the committee, including relevant Department of Labor officers and employees. The bill also renames the subordinate Job Training and Post-Service Placement Executive Committee as the Transition Executive Committee and updates its purpose to include assisting members of the Armed Forces with the transition to civilian life.
Ensuring Interagency Cooperation to Support Veterans Act of 2023
This bill modifies the membership and certain purposes of the Department of Veterans Affairs-Department of Defense Joint Executive Committee. The bill includes additional individuals in the membership of the committee, including relevant Department of Labor officers and employees. The bill also renames the subordinate Job Training and Post-Service Placement Executive Committee as the Transition Executive Committee and updates its purpose to include assisting members of the Armed Forces with the transition to civilian life.
Ensuring Interagency Cooperation to Support Veterans Act of 2023
This bill modifies the membership and certain purposes of the Department of Veterans Affairs-Department of Defense Joint Executive Committee. The bill includes additio...