Assisting Narcotics and Trafficking officers in Interdicting Drugs Act or the ANTI-Drugs Act
This bill provides statutory authorization for the Operation Stonegarden grant program within the Department of Homeland Security. Through the program, the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall provide grants for enhancing border security to law enforcement agencies that are (1) in a state with an international land or maritime border, and (2) involved in an active U.S. Customs and Border Protection operation coordinated through the Border Patrol.
The bill also reauthorizes through FY2028 (1) the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program, which provides federal assistance to state and local enforcement agencies in areas deemed as critical drug trafficking regions; and (2) the Community Oriented Policing Services program within the Department of Justice, which provides grants for various law enforcement-related purposes.
Assisting Narcotics and Trafficking officers in Interdicting Drugs Act or the ANTI-Drugs Act
This bill provides statutory authorization for the Operation Stonegarden grant program within the Department of Homeland Security. Through the program, the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall provide grants for enhancing border security to law enforcement agencies that are (1) in a state with an international land or maritime border, and (2) involved in an active U.S. Customs and Border Protection operation coordinated through the Border Patrol.
The bill also reauthorizes through FY2028 (1) the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program, which provides federal assistance to state and local enforcement agencies in areas deemed as critical drug trafficking regions; and (2) the Community Oriented Policing Services program within the Department of Justice, which provides grants for various law enforcement-related purposes.
Assisting Narcotics and Trafficking officers in Interdicting Drugs Act or the ANTI-Drugs Act
This bill provides statutory authorization for the Operation Stonegarden grant program within the Department of Homeland Securit...
The bill also reauthorizes through FY2028 (1) the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program, which provides federal assistance to state and local enforcement agencies in areas deemed as critical drug trafficking regions; and (2) the Community Oriented Policing Services program within the Department of Justice, which provides grants for various law enforcement-related purposes.