Financial Compensation for CFPB Whistleblowers Act
This bill requires the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to provide awards to whistleblowers who report information resulting in monetary sanctions.
Whistleblowers claiming an award are permitted to have legal representation. Anonymous whistleblowers claiming an award are required to have legal representation and must disclose their identity to the bureau. The bureau may not disclose an anonymous whistleblower's identity except in limited circumstances, including to other government agencies in the course of an investigation.
The protections in this bill may not be waived by any employment agreement, including by a predispute arbitration agreement.
Financial Compensation for CFPB Whistleblowers Act
This bill requires the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to provide awards to whistleblowers who report information resulting in monetary sanctions.
Whistleblowers claim...
The protections in this bill may not be waived by any employment agreement, including by a predispute arbitration agreement.