Bill 118 HRES 1318, also known as the "Recognizing the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, Washington, as the National Museum of Pop Culture" bill, was introduced in the US Congress to officially designate the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle as the National Museum of Pop Culture. The bill highlights the museum's contributions to preserving and celebrating the history and impact of popular culture in the United States.
The Museum of Pop Culture, founded in 2000, is a nonprofit museum dedicated to showcasing the evolution of popular culture through exhibits, programs, and events. The museum features a wide range of artifacts and memorabilia from various aspects of popular culture, including music, film, television, video games, and more.
The bill recognizes the Museum of Pop Culture's role in educating and inspiring visitors about the significance of popular culture in American society. By designating it as the National Museum of Pop Culture, the bill aims to elevate the museum's status and promote its mission on a national level.
Overall, Bill 118 HRES 1318 seeks to honor and celebrate the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle for its dedication to preserving and promoting the history and impact of popular culture in the United States.