Firearm Lockbox Protection Act of 2023
This bill allows the General Services Administration, upon request of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, to provide a secure firearms storage facility at the official duty station of each judge or justice for any firearm lawfully possessed by the judge or justice. Agencies that employ an administrative judge must provide a secure firearms facility at the principal duty station of that judge for any firearm lawfully possessed by the judge.
Firearm Lockbox Protection Act of 2023
This bill allows the General Services Administration, upon request of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, to provide a secure firearms storage facility at the official duty station of each judge or justice for any firearm lawfully possessed by the judge or justice. Agencies that employ an administrative judge must provide a secure firearms facility at the principal duty station of that judge for any firearm lawfully possessed by the judge.
Firearm Lockbox Protection Act of 2023
This bill allows the General Services Administration, upon request of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, to provide a secure firearms storage facility at the official duty station of...