Davis-Bacon Repeal Act
This bill repeals the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires that the locally prevailing wage rate be paid to various classes of laborers and mechanics working under federally-financed or federally-assisted contracts for construction, alteration, and repair of public buildings or public works.
References in any law to a requirement under the Davis-Bacon Act shall be null and void.
Davis-Bacon Repeal Act
This bill repeals the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires that the locally prevailing wage rate be paid to various classes of laborers and mechanics working under federally-financed or federally-assisted contracts for construction, alteration, and repair of public buildings or public works.
References in any law to a requirement under the Davis-Bacon Act shall be null and void.
Davis-Bacon Repeal Act
This bill repeals the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires that the locally prevailing wage rate be paid to various classes of laborers and mechanics working under federally-financed or federally-assisted contract...
References in any law to a requirement under the Davis-Bacon Act shall be null and void.