State Border Security Reimbursement Act of 2023
This bill requires the federal government to reimburse eligible states for their border security expenses.
To be eligible, a state must have expended more than $2.5 billion on border security and enforcement in the 10 years before this bill's enactment. If such a state provides by a certain deadline an accounting of all of its nonfederally funded border security expenses, the federal government must reimburse the full amount.
State Border Security Reimbursement Act of 2023
This bill requires the federal government to reimburse eligible states for their border security expenses.
To be eligible, a state must have expended more than $2.5 billion on border security and enforcement in the 10 years before this bill's enactment. If such a state provides by a certain deadline an accounting of all of its nonfederally funded border security expenses, the federal government must reimburse the full amount.
State Border Security Reimbursement Act of 2023
This bill requires the federal government to reimburse eligible states for their border security expenses.
To be eligible, a state must have expended more than $2.5 b...