American Battlefield Protection Program Enhancement Act of 2023
This bill expands the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program.
The bill expands the battlefield acquisition grant program to allow grants to be (1) awarded to Indian tribes and nonprofit organizations, and (2) awarded to acquire certain Revolutionary War or War of 1812 battlefields.
The bill expands eligibility for the battlefield restoration grant program to include battlefield land that is owned by a state, tribe, local government, or nonprofit organization.
Not later than 2 years after this bill's enactment and every 10 years thereafter, the American Battlefield Protection Program must report to Congress on preservation activities and the condition of battlefields.
American Battlefield Protection Program Enhancement Act of 2023
This bill expands the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program.
The bill expands the battlefield acquisition grant program to al...
The bill expands eligibility for the battlefield restoration grant program to include battlefield land that is owned by a state, tribe, local government, or nonprofit organization.
Not later than 2 years after this bill's enactment and every 10 years thereafter, the American Battlefield Protection Program must report to Congress on preservation activities and the condition of battlefields.