Clean Water Allotment Modernization Act of 2023
This bill revises the formula the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses to determine how to distribute funds from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) program. Under the program, the EPA allocates funding to states for water quality infrastructure projects, such as wastewater systems and stormwater management projects.
In FY2024-FY2028, the EPA must provide an initial allotment to each state that is equal to the amount the state received in FY2023. The EPA must also provide an additional allotment to each state that is based on its share of the U.S. population.
In FY2029 and each subsequent fiscal year, the EPA must use an updated allotment formula, which is based on the needs of states as identified in the most recently available clean watersheds needs survey.
Beginning in FY2024, the formula must also provide allotments for Indian tribes and territories. In addition, the formula must provide an allotment for EPA's oversight of SRF projects to ensure they use American iron and steel.
Clean Water Allotment Modernization Act of 2023
This bill revises the formula the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses to determine how to distribute funds from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) program. Under the program, the EPA allocates funding to states for water quality infrastructure projects, such as wastewater systems and stormwater management projects.
In FY2024-FY2028, the EPA must provide an initial allotment to each state that is equal to the amount the state received in FY2023. The EPA must also provide an additional allotment to each state that is based on its share of the U.S. population.
In FY2029 and each subsequent fiscal year, the EPA must use an updated allotment formula, which is based on the needs of states as identified in the most recently available clean watersheds needs survey.
Beginning in FY2024, the formula must also provide allotments for Indian tribes and territories. In addition, the formula must provide an allotment for EPA's oversight of SRF projects to ensure they use American iron and steel.
Clean Water Allotment Modernization Act of 2023
This bill revises the formula the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses to determine how to distribute funds from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) program. Under the pro...
In FY2024-FY2028, the EPA must provide an initial allotment to each state that is equal to the amount the state received in FY2023. The EPA must also provide an additional allotment to each state that is based on its share of the U.S. population.
In FY2029 and each subsequent fiscal year, the EPA must use an updated allotment formula, which is based on the needs of states as identified in the most recently available clean watersheds needs survey.
Beginning in FY2024, the formula must also provide allotments for Indian tribes and territories. In addition, the formula must provide an allotment for EPA's oversight of SRF projects to ensure they use American iron and steel.