Reclamation Climate Change and Water Program Reauthorization Act of 2023
This bill reauthorizes through FY2033 the Bureau of Reclamation's climate change and water program. Under the program, Reclamation assesses the effects of global climate change on the quantity of water resources in certain western states and develops strategies to address potential water shortages, conflicts, and other impacts to such water resources.
Reclamation Climate Change and Water Program Reauthorization Act of 2023
This bill reauthorizes through FY2033 the Bureau of Reclamation's climate change and water program. Under the program, Reclamation assesses the effects of global climate change on the quantity of water resources in certain western states and develops strategies to address potential water shortages, conflicts, and other impacts to such water resources.
Reclamation Climate Change and Water Program Reauthorization Act of 2023
This bill reauthorizes through FY2033 the Bureau of Reclamation's climate change and water program. Under the program, Reclamation assesses the effects of glob...