Stop Human Trafficking in School Zones Act
This bill establishes an enhanced penalty—an additional prison term of up to five years—for certain human trafficking offenses and sex offenses involving minors that occur within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a school, school-sponsored activity, playground, or public housing facility; or within 100 feet of certain other places where children gather (e.g., a youth center or swimming pool). The additional prison term must be served consecutively with the prison term imposed for the underlying offense.
Stop Human Trafficking in School Zones Act
This bill establishes an enhanced penalty—an additional prison term of up to five years—for certain human trafficking offenses and sex offenses involving minors that occur within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a school, school-sponsored activity, playground, or public housing facility; or within 100 feet of certain other places where children gather (e.g., a youth center or swimming pool). The additional prison term must be served consecutively with the prison term imposed for the underlying offense.
Stop Human Trafficking in School Zones Act
This bill establishes an enhanced penalty—an additional prison term of up to five years—for certain human trafficking offenses and sex offenses involving minors that occur withi...