Freedom from Government Competition Act of 2023
This bill requires the federal government to procure from the private sector the goods and services necessary for the operations and management of government agencies.
Specifically, it requires each executive or military department or independent establishment to obtain all goods and services necessary for or beneficial to the accomplishment of its authorized functions by procurement from private sources, with specified exceptions, such as where there is no private source capable of providing the good or service.
The bill requires such private sector provision of goods and services to be performed through (1) the divestiture of federal involvement, (2) the award of a contract using competitive procedures, or (3) conducting a public-private competitive sourcing analysis in accordance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) procedures and determining that using the private sector is in the best interest of the United States and provides the best value to the taxpayer.
An agency may utilize federal employees to provide goods or services previously provided by a private sector entity upon completion of a public-private competitive sourcing analysis and after determining that provision by federal employees provides the best value.
The OMB must carry out a study to evaluate the activities carried out in each agency.
Freedom from Government Competition Act of 2023
This bill requires the federal government to procure from the private sector the goods and services necessary for the operations and management of government agencies.
Specifically, it requires each executive or military department or independent establishment to obtain all goods and services necessary for or beneficial to the accomplishment of its authorized functions by procurement from private sources, with specified exceptions, such as where there is no private source capable of providing the good or service.
The bill requires such private sector provision of goods and services to be performed through (1) the divestiture of federal involvement, (2) the award of a contract using competitive procedures, or (3) conducting a public-private competitive sourcing analysis in accordance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) procedures and determining that using the private sector is in the best interest of the United States and provides the best value to the taxpayer.
An agency may utilize federal employees to provide goods or services previously provided by a private sector entity upon completion of a public-private competitive sourcing analysis and after determining that provision by federal employees provides the best value.
The OMB must carry out a study to evaluate the activities carried out in each agency.
Freedom from Government Competition Act of 2023
This bill requires the federal government to procure from the private sector the goods and services necessary for the operations and management of government agencies.
<...The bill requires such private sector provision of goods and services to be performed through (1) the divestiture of federal involvement, (2) the award of a contract using competitive procedures, or (3) conducting a public-private competitive sourcing analysis in accordance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) procedures and determining that using the private sector is in the best interest of the United States and provides the best value to the taxpayer.
An agency may utilize federal employees to provide goods or services previously provided by a private sector entity upon completion of a public-private competitive sourcing analysis and after determining that provision by federal employees provides the best value.
The OMB must carry out a study to evaluate the activities carried out in each agency.