Bill 118 hr 2364, also known as the "Limitation on Availability of Funds for Global Agriculture and Food Security Program for Fiscal Year 2024," aims to restrict the amount of funds that can be allocated to the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program in the fiscal year 2024. The bill seeks to impose limitations on the availability of funds for this program, which is designed to address global food security issues and promote sustainable agriculture practices around the world.
The bill does not specify the exact amount of funds that will be limited, but it is clear that the intention is to reduce the financial resources allocated to the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program for the upcoming fiscal year. The rationale behind this limitation is not explicitly stated in the bill, but it is likely that the sponsors of the legislation believe that there are other priorities that require funding and that the current level of funding for this program is excessive.
It is important to note that this bill is still in the early stages of the legislative process and has not yet been passed into law. It will need to go through several rounds of review and debate in both the House of Representatives and the Senate before it can be signed into law by the President. As such, the ultimate fate of this legislation remains uncertain at this time.