Homeowner Energy Freedom Act
This bill repeals provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2022 relating to (1) the high-efficiency electric home rebate program, (2) state-based home energy efficiency contractor training grants, and (3) assistance for latest and zero building energy code adoption. It also rescinds any unobligated balances available for such programs.
Homeowner Energy Freedom Act
This bill repeals provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2022 relating to (1) the high-efficiency electric home rebate program, (2) state-based home energy efficiency contractor training grants, and (3) assistance for latest and zero building energy code adoption. It also rescinds any unobligated balances available for such programs.
Homeowner Energy Freedom Act
This bill repeals provisions of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2022 relating to (1) the high-efficiency electric home rebate program, (2) state-based home energy efficiency contractor training g...