Commission on Reform and Modernization of the Department of State Act
This bill establishes in the legislative branch a commission to examine the changing nature of diplomacy in the 21st century and ways the Department of State and its personnel can modernize to advance U.S. interests.
The commission must offer recommendations related to topics such as (1) the State Department's organizational structure and infrastructure, (2) the link between diplomacy and other core U.S. interests such as defense, and (3) the core legislation that authorizes U.S. diplomacy.
The commission must also periodically brief Congress on the commission's work.
Within 18 months of this bill's enactment, the commission must provide to Congress and the President its final report of findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The report must also examine all substantive aspects of State Department personnel, management, and operations. The commission shall terminate 60 days after the submission of the final report.
Commission on Reform and Modernization of the Department of State Act
This bill establishes in the legislative branch a commission to examine the changing nature of diplomacy in the 21st century and ways the Department of...
The commission must offer recommendations related to topics such as (1) the State Department's organizational structure and infrastructure, (2) the link between diplomacy and other core U.S. interests such as defense, and (3) the core legislation that authorizes U.S. diplomacy.
The commission must also periodically brief Congress on the commission's work.
Within 18 months of this bill's enactment, the commission must provide to Congress and the President its final report of findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The report must also examine all substantive aspects of State Department personnel, management, and operations. The commission shall terminate 60 days after the submission of the final report.