Stop Wall Street Landlords Act of 2022
This bill denies certain tax and other benefits to large investors whose assets exceed $100 million in a taxable year for investment in single-family housing (i.e., real property including at least one dwelling unit and not more than four units). It denies such investors a tax deduction for interest paid on a single-family home mortgage, for insuring such homes, and for the depreciation of such homes.
The bill imposes an excise tax on the sale or transfer of a single-family home by a large investor equal to the price of such home. It allows a tax credit for home sellers equal to the lesser of either the excess of reasonable development costs paid over the sale price, or 35% of the lesser of eligible development costs paid by the taxpayer, or 80% of the national median sale price for homes.
The bill prohibits large investors from obtaining certain federal mortgage assistance.
Stop Wall Street Landlords Act of 2022
This bill denies certain tax and other benefits to large investors whose assets exceed $100 million in a taxable year for investment in single-family housing (i.e., real property in...
The bill imposes an excise tax on the sale or transfer of a single-family home by a large investor equal to the price of such home. It allows a tax credit for home sellers equal to the lesser of either the excess of reasonable development costs paid over the sale price, or 35% of the lesser of eligible development costs paid by the taxpayer, or 80% of the national median sale price for homes.
The bill prohibits large investors from obtaining certain federal mortgage assistance.