Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees Act or the RAISE Act
This bill declares that neither a labor organization's exclusive representation of employees in a bargaining unit, nor the terms of a collective bargaining contract or agreement entered into after enactment of this bill, shall prohibit an employer from paying an employee higher wages, pay, or other compensation than provided for in the contract or agreement.
Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees Act or the RAISE Act
This bill declares that neither a labor organization's exclusive representation of employees in a bargaining unit, nor the terms of a collective bargaining contract or agreement entered into after enactment of this bill, shall prohibit an employer from paying an employee higher wages, pay, or other compensation than provided for in the contract or agreement.
Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees Act or the RAISE Act
This bill declares that neither a labor organization's exclusive representation of employees in a bargaining unit, nor the terms of a collective ...