Voter Information Hotline Act of 2021
This bill directs the Department of Justice (DOJ) to coordinate the establishment of a state-based response system for responding to questions and complaints from individuals related to registering to vote or voting in federal elections. Further, DOJ must establish and operate a toll-free telephone service through which individuals may (1) connect directly to the state-based response system; (2) obtain information on voting in federal elections; and (3) report information to DOJ on problems encountered in registering to vote or voting, including incidences of voter intimidation or suppression.
Additionally, the bill establishes the Voter Hotline Task Force to provide ongoing analysis and assessment of the telephone service.
Voter Information Hotline Act of 2021
This bill directs the Department of Justice (DOJ) to coordinate the establishment of a state-based response system for responding to questions and complaints from individuals related to register...
Additionally, the bill establishes the Voter Hotline Task Force to provide ongoing analysis and assessment of the telephone service.