This bill requires the Department of Energy to establish (1) a program to evaluate nuclear reactors that are projected to cease operations due to economic factors and to allocate financial credits to certain reactors, and (2) a grant program to assist communities with revenue shortfalls due to closures of nuclear power plants.
Bill 117 HR 4960, also known as the Preserving Existing Nuclear Energy Generation Act, is a piece of legislation currently being considered by the US Congress. The purpose of this bill is to provide support for existing nuclear energy facilities in the United States.
The bill aims to achieve this by establishing a program that would provide financial assistance to nuclear power plants that are at risk of closing due to economic challenges. This assistance would come in the form of tax credits or other incentives to help these facilities remain operational.
Supporters of the bill argue that nuclear energy is a crucial part of the country's energy portfolio, providing a reliable and low-carbon source of power. They believe that preserving existing nuclear plants is important for maintaining energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Opponents of the bill may argue that nuclear energy is not a sustainable or safe form of energy production, and that the government should instead focus on investing in renewable energy sources.
Overall, the Preserving Existing Nuclear Energy Generation Act is a piece of legislation that seeks to support the continued operation of nuclear power plants in the United States. It is currently being debated in Congress, and its ultimate fate remains uncertain.
Alternative Names
Official Title as IntroducedTo direct the Secretary of Energy to establish a civil nuclear credit program, and for other purposes.
Official Title as IntroducedTo direct the Secretary of Energy to establish a civil nuclear credit program, and for other purposes.
Display TitlePreserving Existing Nuclear Energy Generation Act
Short Title(s) as IntroducedPreserving Existing Nuclear Energy Generation Act
Policy Areas
Potential Impact
Accounting and auditing•
Administrative law and regulatory procedures•
Air quality•
Business records•
Cardiovascular and respiratory health•
Climate change and greenhouse gases•
Congressional oversight•
Economic performance and conditions•
Electric power generation and transmission•
Emergency medical services and trauma care•
Energy prices•
Government information and archives•
Government studies and investigations•
Infectious and parasitic diseases•
Licensing and registrations•
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)•
Nuclear power
Most relevant
Recent Activity
Latest Summary2/11/2022
Preserving Existing Nuclear Energy Generation Act
This bill requires the Department of Energy to establish (1) a program to evaluate nuclear reactors that are projected to cease operations due to economic factors and to allocate fin...
ancial credits to certain reactors, and (2) a grant program to assist communities with revenue shortfalls due to closures of nuclear power plants.